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The Biggest Challenge in Writing with AI Has No Name

The world is waking up to a new reality. Thanks to AI, anyone can conjure up an article on almost any topic with just a few instructions. Just as everyone learned to search the internet, we’ll all get good at writing ChatGPT prompts.

However, that first draft has never been the difficult part of quality writing.

The real challenge has always been the stage that comes after the first draft. This is the moment of reckoning where you pore over your text, checking it line by line and trying to make sure that it conveys your intended meaning, ideally with some pizzazz and panache. Some people call that stage “redrafting” or “revising”. For others, it’s a “second draft” or “umpteenth draft”. Is it writing? Is it editing? It’s a kaleidoscope of both, and more!

However we think of that stage of writing, it’s both critical and difficult. And while ChatGPT and other generative AI tools can assist in pulling together a first draft, they lack the human nuance, insight, and emotional depth that makes good writing resonate with readers.

If you’re about to start working on an AI-generated first draft, here are the next things to look for to make your document what you wanted it to be.

Clarity and coherence

Don’t be fooled by AI’s impeccable grammar and punctuation. It’s still an algorithm. Dive deeper. Look out for awkward or convoluted phrasing that may confuse readers. Rewrite or rephrase sentences that are ambiguous or difficult to understand. Ensure that ideas and paragraphs flow smoothly, maintaining a logical progression throughout the article.

Consistency in style and tone

AI may be good at consistency of hyphenation and capitalization (skills that can be hard for a person). But you need to check carefully that AI-generated content maintains a consistent writing style. If you’re aiming for a scholarly article, ensure that the language and vocabulary have a formal, academic tone. Similarly, if you’re crafting a light-hearted blog that should be conversational or engaging, confirm that the article reflects that style consistently.

Readability and structure

Pay attention to the overall readability of the article. Bulky paragraphs are wearying to read and digest. Break up lengthy passages, insert subheadings and consider using bullet points or numbered lists to enhance clarity and readability.

Engaging language

Engaging language plays a vital role in capturing readers' attention and making AI-generated content more compelling. Use descriptive language, varied sentence structures, active voice, strong verbs, and precise adjectives to create a dynamic and immersive reading experience. Engage readers directly through direct address and inclusive language, and emphasize key points using formatting techniques. By incorporating these elements, you can enhance readability, appeal, and overall impact, ensuring that readers remain captivated.

A personal touch

An AI lacks your unique anecdotes and experiences. Lace these in to make your content more relatable, engaging, and emotionally impactful.

Checking for accuracy and bias

Some things can only be checked manually. Fact-checking is vital when reviewing AI-generated content. Verify the accuracy of statistics, dates, historical events, and any specific claims made within the article. At the same time, you need to check carefully for any biased language or assumptions. And since AI models are trained on vast amounts of existing text, it’s important to check that the content does not directly copy or paraphrase other sources without proper citation.

An easier, more creative way to your next draft

The process of checking your text can be arduous and time consuming. You need to personalize, check readability, and ensure text is engaging on a line-by-line basis.

AI can’t do that work for you. There’s too much thought involved to trust it to an algorithm.

However, AI can help you to do that work faster. We designed Draftsmith to spark ideas, make suggestions, and offer inspiration. You can use it to improve readability, make language more engaging, and check style and clarity. It won’t make changes for you. You are in control at every stage.


Writing workflows differ as widely as writers themselves. Yet everyone recognizes the stage we’re describing. It’s the work that comes after the first draft but before the final polish. Lots of people refer to that as “redrafting”. However, even if you’ve never heard that word before, if you write at work, you know that’s the laborious bit, the grind.

While the perfect blend of AI and human writer can’t make this stage disappear, it can make it decidedly less daunting and time-consuming. Get the free trial of Draftsmith to save time on the most challenging parts of document preparation.