Make writing easier to understand

  • Get instant plain language suggestions

  • Save time improving readability and clarity

  • You're in control of every change

  • Works directly in Microsoft Word

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Save time improving text

How much of your time is spent simplifying complex writing? Whether you’re writing for healthcare professionals, bid evaluators, or the general public, so much of the work is revising text to help your audience understand.

With Draftsmith, you spend less time finessing words, so you can focus on the big picture.

A new way to help you deliver your best work

Draftsmith uses AI to offer suggestions, inspiration, and ideas. It helps you to make text easier to read without ever having to consider readability formulas or other statistical methods.

Draftsmith never makes any changes on its own. You’re always in control.

Responsible and secure AI

Draftsmith never makes any changes on its own.

It makes suggestions that you can accept or reject. You’re always in control.

Try it for free today

Make your words more compelling

Make documents easier to read

Target the reading level of your audience

Writing in plain English

Make terminology choices that are right for your audience

Simplify complex information

Write in a way that is familiar to your readers

Make medical communication easier to understand

From informed consent forms to plain language summaries, the direction of medical writing is towards making complex subjects easier to understand.

However, trained professionals quickly get used to complex terminology. Draftsmith’s plain language features help you to instantly revise text in a way that’s easy for the reader.

Win with proposal and grant evaluators

Every bid, grant, or proposal ultimately needs approval from an evaluator who may not have the specialist knowledge or ease with terminology that your writing team has.

Draftsmith helps to secure funding by ensuring that your words are easy for evaluators to understand.

Make your products and services easier to buy

Effective marketing uses words that the audience understands. Some of the best marketing text is pitched at the eleven year-old reading level.

Draftsmith makes it easy to write marketing text that readers will engage with and respond to.

Helps with the ISO plain language standard

The ISO plain language standard focuses on language, structure, and design. Following the standard helps users to find what they need and understand what they find.

Draftsmith can help you save time on wording and terminology so that you can focus on the rest of the standard.

Suggestions for any reading level

Readability metrics and formulas have well-known problems. Draftsmith takes all of those out of your workflow. It uses AI to offer suggestions, ideas, and inspiration that help you to find the right reading level for your audience.

If the first suggestion isn’t right, you can instantly get another. It’s a faster way to improve readability. The days of obsessing over formulas are over!

Get a seven-day free trial