How to Compare, Track, and Edit Draftsmith’s Changes

Draftsmith’s suggestions make it easier to improve any draft. However, you may not have realized all the different ways you can view, edit, and work with Draftsmith’s suggestions. So, here are our advanced tips on:

  • comparing Draftsmith’s changes with the original text

  • tracking your revisions

  • editing and undoing Draftsmith’s suggestions

Two ways to compare your changes

It can be hard to see the difference between Draftsmith’s suggestions and your original text. That’s why we introduced the Original and Show Changes check boxes.

Click on the Original check box to compare your text and Draftsmith’s suggestion side by side in the task pane. Or click on the Show Changes check box to see Draftsmith’s edits.

Track your changes

Draftsmith and Microsoft Word’s Track Changes work in perfect harmony, so long as you set Track Changes to Simple or No Markup. Avoid using All Markup while working with Draftsmith. You can, however, turn All Markup on once you’ve finished running Draftsmith.

Edit suggestions

There may be times when Draftsmith makes a suggestion that’s mostly an improvement but still isn’t quite right. If you want to modify a suggestion, simply edit it in the suggestion box. Then click Replace Text to make the change in your document.

Undo changes

Want to undo a change Draftsmith has made? Just press Microsoft Word’s Undo button.


Can I Run Draftsmith on Paragraphs, Even Pages?


How to Improve Draftsmith’s Suggestions